Fun Facts
Recently playing: Ballade No. 1 by Frédéric Chopin, Etude for Piano, Op.76 No.2 by Sibelius, Concertino for Flute by Chaminade, some Chopin preludes and nocturnes
Instruments: classical piano (2001-2012, 2021-now), classical flute (2010-2018, 2023-now), baroque flute (2018-2020)
Ensembles: middle & high school orchestra, college chamber music society
Last personal recital: 04/2019 (baroque flute)
Last orchestral/chamber concert: 10/2024 (flute, chamber music)
Last competition: 10/2013 (modern flute)
Casual interests: jazz piano, jamming, synthesizer, R&B (Hikaru Utada), rock (ONE OK ROCK)
- Ongoing interests: figure skating (USFS Adult Pre-Bronze), ballet, hiking
- Also good at: archery
(Human) Languages
I love learning languages.
As of August 2022, I speak 4 languages fluently: English, Mandarin, Hokkien and Cantonese.
My fluency in French is intermediate (but super out of shape), after 1.5 years of intensive study during undergrad.
I can also read and write Kana (the Japanese alphabet) and Hangeul (the Korean alphabet), thanks to the years of interest in Japanese and Korean cultures.